Thursday Aug 10, 2023
What’s the Secret to Growing Alberta’s Energy Future?
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
What can Alberta do to position itself for another century's worth of jobs, investment, and affordable living? Our "electrifying" week of Real Talk continues with NDP energy critic Nagwan Al-Guneid, a longtime oil and gas professional, and energy economist Andrew Leach.
2:30 | Ryan starts the show with a look at the devastation in Lahaina, an historic community on the island of Maui. Hurricane Dora-fuelled winds drove a wildfire through community, killing at least 36 people, displacing thousands more, and destroying much of the city that once served as the capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
8:00 | Nagwan Al-Guneid, the Alberta NDP Energy & Climate Critic for Electricity, Renewables, & Utilities, makes her Real Talk debut. She responds to UCP Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz's appearance on yesterday's episode, and explains how her party would approach wind and solar development.
35:10 | Energy economist Dr. Andrew Leach explains the short- and longer-term potential impacts of the UCP's moratorium on new wind and solar projects in Alberta. What's really prompting it? What message does it send to industry? How much of this has to do with protecting natural gas? What's Premier Danielle Smith right about, and where is she wrong?
1:08:30 | Ryan reads "powerful" (we can't help ourselves) emails about electricity from Tom in Lethbridge and Amy, who successfully fought to kill the Foothills solar project near Frank Lake.
EMAIL THE SHOW: talk@ryanjespersen.com
BECOME A REAL TALK PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/ryanjespersen
WEBSITE: https://ryanjespersen.com/TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RealTalkRJINSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/RealTalkRJ/TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realtalkrj
THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR SPONSORS! https://ryanjespersen.com/sponsors
The views and opinions expressed in this show are those of the host and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Relay Communications Group Inc. or any affiliates.
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Alberta Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Alberta's led the nation by a country mile in renewable energy development. So, how does it make sense to impose a seven-month moratorium on new wind and solar projects? Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz rolls out the government's rationale on this episode of Real Talk.
4:15 | But first, a shout out to Real Talkers who take the time to let us know how our shows are impacting their daily lives! Ryan reads a few "bouquets" emailed to talk@ryanjespersen.com.
7:45 | Alberta's UCP government says there's no way the province can get to a net-zero grid by 2035. Critics say stalling new wind and solar projects creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. Minister of Environment and Protected Areas Rebecca Schulz talks to us about renewables, natural gas, utility prices, plastic bag bans, hydrogen investments, the future of water, and Alberta's reputation.
36:30 | Where's all this concern around farm land and electricity-generating eyesores coming from? We take a look at a not-so-long-ago video of Rob Anderson, Premier Danielle Smith's top advisor, calling renewables a "scam". Plus, emails from Real Talkers Sarah and Janice get us thinking about the future of renewables in rural Canada.
59:00 | Don't delay: book your Jasper cabin getaway today! This week's #MyJasper Memories presented by Tourism Jasper includes an opportunity to book a brand new four bedroom chalet at Pine Bungalows for 40% off!
CHECK OUT THESE AMAZING CHALETS: https://pinebungalows.com/
1:10:20 | Remember our conversation last week about Health Canada's new cigarette warnings? Real Talker Deanna writes in with a very personal take on an overlooked impact of smoking and vaping.
BECOME A REAL TALK PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/ryanjespersen
WEBSITE: https://ryanjespersen.com/TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RealTalkRJINSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/RealTalkRJ/TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realtalkrj
THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR SPONSORS! https://ryanjespersen.com/sponsors
The views and opinions expressed in this show are those of the host and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Relay Communications Group Inc. or any affiliates.
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Locked Out: UCP Stops Wind & Solar in its Tracks
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Alberta's UCP government announces a six month moratorium on wind and solar projects, citing rural concerns including loss of agricultural land and impact on scenery. Is it a wise or witless move? Over the next few episodes, we'll hit the story from a bunch of different angles.
4:50 | Charles Adler tells us what he thinks about green energy getting the red light in Alberta. Plus, did the Prime Minister troll his critics on purpose, posting a photo with his son at the Barbie movie?
30:50 | Real Talker Shalaine tells us what she thought of the Barbie movie, and where she'd like the conversation to go.
EMAIL THE SHOW: talk@ryanjespersen.com
40:55 | Binnu Jeyakumar understands the power industry better than most. The director of the Pembina Institute's electricity program explains why the Alberta Advantage applies to renewables, too. She says the UCP's moratorium could mean higher household costs, fewer jobs, and billions of investment dollars lost.
CHECK OUT THE PEMBINA INSTITUTE: https://www.pembina.org/
1:23:30 | We love how Rob Kenney responded to his dad walking out on their family when Rob was a young teen. We shine light on his "Dad, How Do I?" initiative in this week's Positive Reflections presented by Kuby Renewable Energy.
GET YOUR FREE SOLAR QUOTE TODAY: https://kubyenergy.ca/
BECOME A REAL TALK PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/ryanjespersen
WEBSITE: https://ryanjespersen.com/TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RealTalkRJINSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/RealTalkRJ/TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realtalkrj
THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR SPONSORS! https://ryanjespersen.com/sponsors
The views and opinions expressed in this show are those of the host and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Relay Communications Group Inc. or any affiliates.
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Chuck the Chucks!
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
| Lesley's got a burr under her saddle about the Calgary Stampede in this week's edition of Trash Talk presented by Local Environmental Services.
KEEP IT LOCAL: https://localenvironmental.ca/
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
How To Fix Edmonton: Crime, City Council, K-Days, The Elks, & More
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Crime rates are skyrocketing in Alberta's capital city. Attendance was way down at K-Days, the annual summer fair. The CFL's Edmonton Elks have lost their last 20 home games. City council hasn't exactly endeared itself to the public. So...how do you fix Edmonton?
4:00 | Our Group Chat Round Table reconvenes with communication strategist Jenny Adams, lawyer Harman Kandola, and developer Jarrett Campbell. In addition to the hometown storylines listed above, we cover the Trudeau/Grégoire split, Kevin Spacey's redemption (?), and Evander Kane's reputation rehab.
1:08:50 | Lesley's got a burr under her saddle in this week's edition of Trash Talk presented by Local Environmental Services.
KEEP IT LOCAL: https://localenvironmental.ca/
SEND US YOUR TRASH TALK: talk@ryanjespersen.com
BECOME A REAL TALK PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/ryanjespersen
WEBSITE: https://ryanjespersen.com/TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RealTalkRJINSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/RealTalkRJ/TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realtalkrj
THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR SPONSORS! https://ryanjespersen.com/sponsors
The views and opinions expressed in this show are those of the host and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Relay Communications Group Inc. or any affiliates.
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Why Don’t People Seem To Care About the Stampede Scandal?
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Seems like everybody's giving the Calgary Stampede a pass for covering up a sexual abuse scandal for nearly 30 years. Donald Trump's facing serious charges, and could go to jail. He could also still become President again. Pop superstar Lizzo's facing a sexual harassment lawsuit. Plus, Toronto's banning gas-powered leaf blowers and Canada's the first country in the world to require health warnings on individual cigarettes.
13:00 | We've got lots to talk about with strategist Stephen Carter on this episode of Real Talk!
39:00 | Is the city of Toronto onto something, banning gas-powered leaf blowers?
50:30 | How likely is it Donald Trump will go to jail? Will this week's indictment kill his chances of becoming POTUS again? Ryan's not so sure.
56:05 | There's a new backpacking guide business in Jasper! We take a look at this awesome opportunity to explore the backcountry in this week's edition of #MyJasper Memories presented by our friends at Tourism Jasper.
BOOK YOUR BACKPACKING ADVENTURE: https://starrysummit.ca/
59:25 | Have you seen the "new" cigarettes with health warnings printed on each individual dart? Ryan and Johnny (and our live chat) talk about twenty years ago vs. today.
1:14:45 | Real Talkers Jeff and BMJ have something to say about recent episodes, including the Stampede scandal and "woke" as a pejorative term.
BE LIKE JEFF & BMJ. EMAIL THE SHOW: talk@ryanjespersen.com
BECOME A REAL TALK PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/ryanjespersen
WEBSITE: https://ryanjespersen.com/TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RealTalkRJINSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/RealTalkRJ/TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realtalkrj
THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR SPONSORS! https://ryanjespersen.com/sponsors
The views and opinions expressed in this show are those of the host and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Relay Communications Group Inc. or any affiliates.
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Calgary Stampede Abuse Scandal: Decades-Long Coverup Exposed
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
An adult staffer with The Calgary Stampede's Young Canadians performing arts group sexually assaulted dozens of teens for more than 20 years before the organization did anything about it. This week, the Stampede accepted liability and negligence, announcing a settlement taking "full responsibility in the hopes of helping victims to heal."
3:00 | How does something as horrific as this happen for so long before it's stopped? Does a brand as powerful as the Stampede dodge true accountability? How can the Stampede make this right? Danielle Aubry, CEO of Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse, gets into the tough stuff.
CCASA ONLINE: https://calgarycasa.com/
39:55 | Calgary MP George Chahal says the federal government needs to pull funding from the Stampede until meaningful steps have been taken. He tells Ryan about some of the blowback he's received since making his statement.
BECOME A REAL TALK PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/ryanjespersen
WEBSITE: https://ryanjespersen.com/TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RealTalkRJINSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/RealTalkRJ/TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realtalkrj
THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR SPONSORS! https://ryanjespersen.com/sponsors
The views and opinions expressed in this show are those of the host and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Relay Communications Group Inc. or any affiliates.
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Man of the People: Will Pierre Poilievre’s Shtick Stick?
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre says he'll "always support whistleblowers" after the public learned his team covered the legal costs of the person who took down Patrick Brown's CPC leadership bid. It's another step away from Bay Street and closer toward Main Street for the man who wants to be Canada's next Prime Minister. Will it work? We discuss with Charles Adler.
3:50 | But first, we open with a remarkable developing story out of Montana, where a girl who disappeared four years ago has been found alive.
8:10 | Did organizers of a popular corn maze owe the public an apology after rolling out an RCMP theme? Ryan and Chuck discuss. What message did Prime Minister Trudeau send with his cabinet shuffle...and will it save his political bacon? Is Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre responsible for his party's recent bump in the polls? And what should we make of his team's $37,000 contribution to whistleblower Debra Jodoin's legal fees?
43:12 | Wyatt Sharpe returns with a stateside look at the early race for the Oval Office. Will GOP candidates' obsession with the "woke agenda" backfire? Should the voting age be raised to 25...or lowered to 16? We discuss with the 14-year-old talk show host.
SUBSCRIBE TO THE WYATT SHARPE SHOW: https://www.youtube.com/@thewyattsharpeshow
1:04:10 | Imagine being out at sea on your fishing boat, and coming across a vessel that had been floating adrift for months. We showcase an incredible survival story in this week's Positive Reflections presented by Kuby Renewable Energy.
GET YOUR FREE SOLAR QUOTE TODAY: https://kubyenergy.ca/
BECOME A REAL TALK PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/ryanjespersen
WEBSITE: https://ryanjespersen.com/TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RealTalkRJINSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/RealTalkRJ/TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realtalkrj
THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR SPONSORS! https://ryanjespersen.com/sponsors
The views and opinions expressed in this show are those of the host and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Relay Communications Group Inc. or any affiliates.
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Fiery Takes on Energy, Cannabis, & Politics
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Michael's got a message for the federal environment minister, Cyndi's got a wake-up call for the cannabis industry, Mike says people need to chill out over Bill C-18, and Trevor's sick of what he sees in the inner city. It's another fiery edition of Trash Talk presented by Local Environmental Services!
KEEP IT LOCAL: https://localenvironmental.ca/
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Brand Power: How Good and Bad Design Influences Us
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
We're influenced by marketing way more than we realize. From brands and logos to jingles and taglines, there's a ton of science and strategy behind how businesses (and people) represent themselves to the general public. We welcome two of the industry's best to this week's Real Talk Round Table.
3:30 | But first...do you believe in intelligent life outside Earth? Real Talker "Anton" has something to say about our otherworldly conversation from yesterday.
6:45 | What did you think about our interview with psychologist Kimberly Knull on July 27? Real Talker "Gillian" takes on the Jonah Hill/Sarah Brady situation in her email to talk@ryanjespersen.com.
14:15 | Just a few days ago, Elon Musk dumped years of brand equity, evolving Twitter to "X". While it remains to be seen how the move will impact the social media site, it's safe to say it's one of the biggest rebrands in corporate history. When is a rebrand a good (or bad) move? Does Hockey Canada need one? Is it too soon to judge the Edmonton Elks' evolution? What are the most effective logos in the world, and why? Zag strategy director Ashley Harrigan and Burnkit founder Josh Dunford join us for a fascinating exploration of how marketing and design influences human thought and behaviour.
CHECK OUT ZAG: https://atozag.ca/
CHECK OUT BURNKIT: https://burnkit.com/#/
1:09:00 | Michael's got a message for the federal environment minister, Cyndi's got a wake-up call for the cannabis industry, Mike says people need to chill out over Bill C-18, and Trevor's sick of what he sees in the inner city. It's another fiery edition of Trash Talk presented by Local Environmental Services!
KEEP IT LOCAL: https://localenvironmental.ca/
BUY KDAYS 50/50 TICKETS IN SUPPORT OF YWCA EDMONTON: https://www.k-days.com/50-50
BECOME A REAL TALK PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/ryanjespersen
WEBSITE: https://ryanjespersen.com/TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RealTalkRJINSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/RealTalkRJ/TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realtalkrj